Updated BKBM Operating Rules and Principles

NZFBF Market Notice

Market Notice No: 202108
Date: 14 December 2021

The New Zealand Financial Benchmark Facility Limited (NZFBF) today published an updated version of the BKBM Operating Rules and Principles.


The changes made are non-material and largely relate to the NZFBF’s interactions with the New Zealand Financial Markets Association’s Rates Committee, as well as other changes that a similar in nature. No changes have been made to BKBM’s methodology or calculation processes. A fuller review of BKBM will occur in 2022.


If you have any questions or comments related to the new version of the BKBM Operating Rules and Principles, please contact the NZFBF team at helpdesk@nzfbf.co.nz